Sunday, March 29, 2009

Anti Virus Removal - Easy way to restore to before it installed

I was working on my laptop on Mar/27/2009 & somehow I accepted virus threat which installed into my laptop & it was showing the security alert for every action I do in my laptop.
The Problem:
1) every action like mouse movement or click or enter or open new application or visiting to any website ..etc , It was openning popup window & says " Scan for free" Once scanning is over , it takes you to the antivirus software's web site [ Antivirus software it self introduced these kind of malwares] , it asks for your credit card to buy their software so that it cleans. Never buy these kind of antivirus softwares.
2) I had Symantec anti virus which is still running as auto protect. but it did not detect & it allowed to install above mentioned malware. These kind of malwares makes any antivirus which is auto detect enabled would also overrides. It is nothing worng with Symantec antivirus.
3) I tried to look for answers how to remove , I have found lot info & all of them say that you need to delete lot of exe files , Dlls & stop the tasks & Processes. And finally the were saying that use some other antivirus to eliminate / get ride of this problem using their antivirus software , looks like most of them were scams. No body provided proper solution to this problem.
4) I ran Windows defender , Symantec -- Nothing detected or no improvement.
5) Then I decided to format the system to rebuild from scratch.
6) I took all of the important files to backup in my external drive.
7) I took full image of my laptop using imaging software acronis true image software.

I remember there is MS restore usage which my friend mentioned to me. I wanted to try that future to restore my laptop to before this virus installed. It worked with out any issue at all.
So actually this is the you can also restore it.

Steps to recover using Microsoft Restore.

1. Make sure you have all the required files & softwares are backed up in case if it crashes , you should not loose any data & softwares.
Start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> System Restore

3. System Restore wizard opens up. Select "Restore My Computer to earlier time"
4. You need to know when did this spam antivirus affected your system. & make that previous to that date as your restore point. I have selected Mar/26/2009 in my case.
5. Confirm your system restore.
6. It restored my laptop to Mar/26/2009 all of the installations were removed.
7. It restarted & it worked fine.

So , if you know when this spam software installed , you should be able to restore your system to the previous to that state very easily.

Please contact me if you have any questions or if you want any help.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Architectural patterns

Architectural patterns are software patterns that offer well-established solutions to architectural problems in software engineering.
  • Fundamental structural organization schema for a software system
  • Approach to the architecture , it is not real system as such.
  • One or more Architecture pattern may be chosen for one software system.
  • Multiple Design patterns may be used with in one Architecture pattern.

A software architect makes a choice of which architectural pattern(s) best provide the system's desired qualities.

Examples of architectural patterns include the following:

* Layers
* Presentation-abstraction-control
* Three-tier
* Pipeline
* Implicit invocation
* Blackboard system
* Peer-to-peer
* Service-oriented architecture
* Naked objects
* Model-View-Controller

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Design Patterns

Design Patterns:

It is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design , description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations.

Use of Design Patterns:

  • Design patterns can speed up the development process by providing tested, proven development paradigms.
  • New Designs are not visible until later in the implementation, Reusing of Design patterns help to prevent this.
Classification of Design patterns:
  • Creational Pattern
  • Structural Pattern
  • Behavioral Pattern
  • Concurrency Pattern
Typical Creational Patterns:
  1. Abstract Factory
  2. Factory method
  3. Builder
  4. Lazy initialization
  5. Object pool
  6. Prototype
  7. Singleton
  8. Multiton
  9. Resource acquisition
1. Abstract Factory Pattern:

It provides a way to encapsulate a group of individual Factory that have a common theme.
Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.
Example :

diagramFactory --> Round , Triangle , Line
DocumentFactory --> Letter , email, eBook

Factory method Pattern:
Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.
The factory method pattern is an object-oriented design pattern. It deals with the problem of creating objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created. The factory method design pattern handles this problem by defining a separate method for creating the objects, whose subclasses can then override to specify the derived type of product that will be created.

ConcreteCreator Inherits Creator; Both will have method factoryMethod () Returns Product.

3. Builder Pattern:
Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.

The Builder Pattern is a software design pattern. The intention is to abstract steps of construction of object so that different implementations of these steps can construct different representations of objects. Often, the Builder Pattern is used to build Products in accordance to the Composite pattern, a structure pattern.

Lazy initialization Pattern:

In a software design pattern view, lazy initialization is often used together with a factory method pattern. This combines three ideas:
* using a factory method to get instances of a class (factory method pattern)
* storing the instances in a map, so you get the same instance the next time you ask for an instance with same parameter (compare with a singleton pattern)
* using lazy initialization to instantiate the object the first time it is requested (lazy initialization pattern).

5. Object pool Pattern:

An object pool is a set of initialized objects that are kept ready to use, rather than
allocated and destroyed on demand. A client of the pool will request an object from the pool and perform
operations on the returned object. When the client has finished with an object, it returns it to the pool, rather than destroying it. It is a specific type of factory object.

Prototype Pattern:
Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new objects by copying this prototype.
A prototype pattern is a creational design pattern used in software development when the type of objects to create is determined by a prototypical instance, which is cloned to produce new objects. This pattern is used to:
* avoid subclasses of an object creator in the client application, like the abstract factory pattern does.
* avoid the inherent cost of creating a new object in the standard way (e.g., using the 'new' keyword) when it is prohibitively expensive for a given application.

7. Singleton pattern:
The singleton pattern is a design pattern that is used to restrict instantiation of a class to one object.
Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.
Example: Only one instance of a database Object

8. Multiton Pattern:
The Multiton pattern expands on the Singleton concept to manage a map of named instances as key-value pairs.
Example: Java Runtime java.lang.runtime

Resource acquisition Pattern:
It is initialization Ensure that resources are properly released by tying them to the lifespan of suitable objects.

Structural Patterns:

Adapter :Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.
Bridge: Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.
Composite: Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.
Decorator : Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically keeping the same interface. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.
Facade : Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.
Flyweight: Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently.
Proxy : Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.

Behavioral Patterns:

Behavioral design patterns are design patterns that identify common
communication patterns between objects and realize these patterns.
By doing so, these patterns increase flexibility in carrying out this communication.

* Chain of responsibility pattern: Command objects are handled or passed on to other objects by logic-containing processing objects
* Command pattern: Command objects encapsulate an action and its parameters
* Interpreter pattern: Implement a specialized computer language to rapidly solve a specific set of problems
* Iterator pattern: Iterators are used to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation
* Mediator pattern: Provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem
* Memento pattern: Provides the ability to restore an object to its previous state (rollback)
* Null Object pattern: designed to act as a default value of an object
* Observer pattern: aka Publish/Subscribe or Event Listener. Objects register to observe an event which may be raised by another object
* State pattern: A clean way for an object to partially change its type at runtime
* Strategy pattern: Algorithms can be selected on the fly
* Specification pattern: Recombinable Business logic in a boolean fashion
* Template method pattern: Describes the program skeleton of a program
* Visitor pattern: A way to separate an algorithm from an object
* Single-serving visitor pattern: Optimise the implementation of a visitor that is allocated, used only once, and then deleted
* Hierarchical visitor pattern: Provide a way to visit every node in a hierarchical data structure such as a tree.

Concurrency Pattern
Object Oriented Design patterns typically show relationships and interactions between classes & objects targeting on the Design problems rather than application problems.

concurrency patterns are those types of design patterns that deal with multi-threaded programming paradigm.

* Active Object
* Balking pattern
* Double checked locking pattern
* Guarded suspension
* Leaders/followers pattern
* Monitor Object
* Read write lock pattern
* Scheduler pattern
* Thread pool pattern
* Thread-Specific Storage
* Reactor pattern

The Active Object design pattern decouples method execution from method invocation that reside in their own thread of control. The goal is to introduce concurrency, by using asynchronous method invocation and a scheduler for handling requests.

The pattern consists of six elements:
* a proxy, which provides an interface towards clients with publicly accessible methods
* an interface which defines the method request on an active object
* a list of pending requests from clients
* a scheduler, which decides which request to execute next
* the implementation of the active object method.
* a callback or variable for the client to receive the result.

The Balking pattern is a software design pattern that only executes an action on an object when the object is in a particular state.

There are some in this field that think this is more of an Anti-Pattern, than a design pattern.
If an object cannot support its API, it should either limit the API so that the offending call is not available or it should …

* be created in a sane state
* not make itself available until it is in a sane state
* become a façade and answer back an object that is in a sane state.

Double-checked locking is a software design pattern also known as "double-checked locking optimization". The pattern is designed to reduce the overhead of acquiring a lock by first testing the locking criterion (the 'lock hint') in an unsafe manner; only if that succeeds does the actual lock proceed.

Guarded suspension is a software design pattern for managing operations that require both a lock to be acquired and a precondition to be satisfied before the operation can be executed. The guarded suspension pattern is typically applied to method calls in object-oriented programs, and involves suspending the method call, and the calling thread, until the precondition (acting as a guard) is satisfied.

In concurrent programming, a monitor is an object intended to be used safely by more than one thread. The defining characteristic of a monitor is that its methods are executed with mutual exclusion. That is, at each point in time, at most one thread may be executing any of its methods. This mutual exclusion greatly simplifies reasoning about the implementation of monitors compared with code that may be executed in parallel.

Monitors also provide a mechanism for threads to temporarily give up exclusive access, in order to wait for some condition to be met, before regaining exclusive access and resuming their task. Monitors also have a mechanism for signaling other threads that such conditions have been met.

Used in Banking Software design to avoid multiple withdraw of amount from same account.

A read/write lock pattern or simply RWL is a software design pattern that allows concurrent read access to an object but requires exclusive access for write operations.

In this pattern, multiple readers can read the data in parallel but an exclusive lock is needed while writing the data. When a writer is writing the data, readers will be blocked until the writer is finished writing.

scheduler pattern is a software design pattern. It is a concurrency pattern used to explicitly control when threads may execute single-threaded code.

The scheduler pattern uses an object that explicitly sequences waiting threads. It provides a mechanism to implement a scheduling policy, but is independent of any specific scheduling policy — the policy is encapsulated in its own class and is reusable.

In the thread pool pattern in programming, a number of threads are created to perform a number of tasks, which are usually organized in a queue. Typically, there are many more tasks than threads. As soon as a thread completes its task, it will request the next task from the queue until all tasks have been completed. The thread can then terminate, or sleep until there are new tasks available.

Please check back again , I would update with examples.

Cloud computing compared to grid computing

Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualised resources are provided as a service over the Internet.

Grid computing is the application of several computers to a single problem at the same time. It is widely used where you need lot of computer resources to process resource intensive computational works such as web scrolling of Goolge search. it is also called distributed and large scale clustered computing.

It is a form of distributed computing whereby a "super and virtual computer" is composed of a cluster of networked, loosely coupled computers, acting in concert to perform very large tasks. This technology has been applied to computationally intensive scientific, mathematical, and academic problems through volunteer computing, and it is used in commercial enterprises for such diverse applications as drug discovery, economic forecasting, seismic analysis, and back-office data processing in support of e-commerce and Web services.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Top Social Media Sites - Market Share

Top Social Media Sites - Market Share

Total Internet Users : 1.6 Billion

Top Social Media Sites Total Users : 1.3 Billion
Other Social Media Users : 312 Million

Name No Of Users in Millions Rank
1. Blogger 222 1
2. Facebook 200 2
3. MySpace 126 3
4. Wordpress 114 4
5. Windows Live Spaces 87 5
6. Yahoo Geocities 69 6
7. Flickr 64 7
8. hi5 58 8
9. Orkut 46 9
10. Six Apart 45 10
11. Baidu Space 40 11
12. Friendster 31 12
13. 29 13
14. 24 14
15. Bebo 24 14
16. Scribd 23 16
17. Lycos Tripod 23 16
18. Tagged 22 18
19. imeem 21 19
20. Netlog 20 20
Others 312

Total Internet Users 1600

Friday, March 6, 2009

IT Employment Continues to Decline in December

After dropping markedly in November by approximately 36,000 jobs or .92% (revised), IT employment continued its decline in December dropping by an additional 13,900 jobs or .36%. With the December decline, IT employment stands at 3,857,200. Despite the drop over the last two months, IT employment was still up year-over-year--- continuing to outperform the general employment marketplace.

Looks like IT is in the slow down mode


Business Intelligence Software Market boosts up

Business Intelligence Software Market boosts up:

The economy downturn & recession is fostering interest in BI software & Implementations , which helps companies analyze the data they collect for new cost-cutting or sales opportunities.

BI software tops the list of technology spending priorities for companies in 2009, according to a Gartner survey of more than 1,500 CIOs worldwide released in January. That priority remains, even though IT budgets are expected to be essentially flat in 2009. Market researcher Forrester Research (FORR) expects the BI market to generate more than $12 billion in revenue in 2014, vs. $8.5 billion in 2008.

Do you want to implement your Business Intelligence / Data warehouse ?
Do you have data but you don know how to make use of it to do analytics ?

Contact me at

Source :

Top 10 Problems in the Existing Social Media

Top 10 Problems in the Existing Social Media:

1. Too many people
2. Too many blog & articles
3. Too many bluffers
4. Too many Products
5. Too many Job Postings
6. Too many web sites
7. Too many Service Offerings
8. Too many Marketing promotions
9. Too many News
10. Too many Videos

1. Too many people :
There are Billions of People in the Social Media , thats good every one is using these.
But Each one has profile in the Twitter , LinkedIn, Facebook, MyBlog , Google , Windows Live , Yahoo and much more social sites.

To identify their value & how would they be helpful to you , No way to tell unless until you go through every profiles. To do so it takes lot of time of yours.

2. Too many blog & articles
There are Billions of blog posts & articles every day. Are these useful for you ? Not every blog posts & articles. But there are very important & useful blogs posts & articles.

To Identify which is useful & is it targeting on your interest?
Your time on getting to the important blog posts and articles are very high.

3. Too many bluffers
There are lot of bluffers.
How do you exclude these bluffers ?

4. Too many Products
There are lot of Products available , but which one is better , to do
-- need to search on the Feedback sites , but it takes lot of your time to compare.

5. Too many Job Postings
There are lot of Job Postings , which is real & genuine. Identify which is suitable for you is time consuming work for you.

Currently there are lot of systems provides Search based on Skills to match the job postings. But still you need to go through each one of the job postings.

6. Too many web sites
There are lot of Web Sites and Web Applications , how do you decide which one is important to you. There is no system compares & provide ranking. Some are there through the Google Rank.But how famous it is you do not know until you go through their content & attractiveness.

7. Too many Service Offerings
Lot of Service Offerings by different companies or free lance service Providers.
Which Service Offering is better or good or at least not worst ?

8. Too many Marketing promotions
Too many Marketing , advertising & Sale promotions ,
How do you identify which is useful Promotions for what you are looking for ?

9. Too many News
Too many News , but there are important news for you to know. How do you get that news when it is happening. In this, Twitter is good at least gives you current happenings. But which type of News are important to you.

10. Too many Videos
Too many videos are posted every day , which one is important to you , thats very tough to identify.

Almost every time I go to , at least takes 1-2 hours in that site to identify what I was looking for , but at last I am lost ,then I need to think about why did I go there in the first place & what I was looking for.

All of the above items make me(/you) to lost in the Social Media websites. Thats good that you have lot info in these. But at the end of the day you spent whole day nothing accomplished.

As we all Social Media people , we need to build a system which takes care of above mentioned problems. Please provide your valuable inputs to solve & Resolve.

Final Questions :
How do we identify what is worth of those to you ?
Do you really need to go through all of them to identify what is important to you ?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Whats new in Microstrategy 8.1.2 Dashboard ?

Intro :

The designer can create more flexible data presentations with dashboards than with documents, since more users can be served with a single dashboard. Each user can interact with the dashboard to display only the subset of data they are interested in (using panels and selectors) or only specific attribute elements or metrics (using a selector).

What is a dashboard?
A dashboard is a display of related sets of data on one screen. A dashboard is commonly used to assess company or personal performance work or work group contributions to overall goals of the business. Dashboards summarize key business indicators by presenting them in visually intuitive, easy-to-read, interactive documents.

Provides interactive functionality so users can change how they see the data. Used online rather than printed out.

While Designing Dashboard ,
you can choose selectors, widgets, panels, and other controls, to create a personalized, custom dashboard that suits your user’s specific needs. Various formatting options such as gradient colors and 3D effects also help you create dashboards with a style appropriate for the boardroom.

Adding interactivity to dashboards:

A key aspect of a dashboard is the interactivity it allows. Interactivity lets analysts dynamically change the data displayed in Grid/Graphs or change other objects on the dashboard.

  • Button bar
  • Analyzing ranges of time: Slider
  • Analysis at a glance: Gauges, thermometers, cylinders, funnels

Gauges :


Organizing interactivity features on a dashboard

The result of a user’s interactive selections can affect multiple objects simultaneously. You can design this using a panel stack, which is a collection of panels, each of which can contain groups of objects. Panels help you display only those groups of data that should be seen at the same time.Additional features let the user navigate between panels, and quickly change the display of data within a panel.

Panels and panel stacks :

Text field, line, rectangle, image, panel, panel stack, selector, or Grid/Graph object are controls and grouped together put into a place holder is called panel.
A panel stack is a collection of individual panels, stacked on top of each other. Example of Panel Stack
panel stack to provide the Corporate, Regional, and Detail Data “views.” Each view is an individual panel in the panel stack.

A selector can be displayed as a button bar, a drop-down list, radio buttons and much more..

Title bars
A title bar is simply an area across the top of a panel stack or Grid/Graph.
•The title identifies the panel, panel stack, or Grid/Graph.
•The buttons allow users to minimize and maximize Grid/Graphs in MicroStrategy Web.

Quick switch
Quick switch is a button that allows an analyst to quickly change a Grid/Graph from Graph view to Grid view and back, with a single click.


A widget is a type of Report Services control that presents data in a visual and interactive way. You can think of widgets as interactive Flash-only graphs that dynamically update when you select a new set of data to view. The dashboard user can even interact with some types of widgets to manually select a set of data to analyze. A variety of widget types, such as Gauge, Heat Map, and Stacked Area widgets, are available for use in MicroStrategy dashboards.

Graph styles for dashboards
•Gauge•Funnel•Area•Vertical stacked bar•Combination: Line and horizontal bar•Bubble•Pie

Important points to be consider in the interactive dashboards:
  • Layering data on dashboards: Panels & Panel Stacks
  • Providing interactivity to users: selectors
  • Enabling Grid/Graphs to control other Grid/Graphs
  • Providing Flash analysis and interactivity: widgets
  • Enabling transition animations in Flash
  • Adding title bars to Grid/Graphs
  • Quick switch for Grid/Graphs
  • Drilling in documents
Layering multiple dashboards in a single document

It is similar to having tabs created in one web page. It used call Page Bys in the earlier versions of Microstrategy like having Corporate level , Regional level ..

Defining a selector

DHTML style Selectors

Flash Style is how the selector is displayed in Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web

  • Automatic: Default DHTML type even in the flash style
  • Fish Eye Selector: An interactive style of selector that is displayed only in Flash Mode. It magnifies an item when a user hovers the cursor over it. This style of selector is useful because it allows a user to choose from a large list of elements without having to see all of the elements displayed at once
  • Action Type determines whether the selector displays elements, metrics, or panels.
In non-Flash modes in MicroStrategy Web, a Fish Eye Selector can display as a Grid/Graph (if it was created as a widget) or as a standard selector such as a listbox or button bar (if it was created as a selector).

selector items of a Fish Eye Selector with images instead of Names.

Design View

Understanding and working with widgets:

  • Bubble Grid: Bubbles of different colors and sizes representing the values of two metrics.
  • Cylinder: A simple status indicator that displays a vertical cylinder with fluid in it. The level of the fluid within the cylinder is a visual representation of a single metric value.
  • Data Cloud: A list of attribute elements displayed in various sizes to depict the differences in metric values between the elements.
  • Fish Eye Selector: An interactive selector that magnifies an item when you hover the cursor over it. It allows a user to choose from a list of attribute elements, metrics, or images without having to see all of the elements, metrics, or images displayed at once.
  • Funnel: A variation of a stacked bar chart that displays data that adds up to 100%. It allows a user to visualize the percent contribution of a metric to the whole.
  • Gauge: A simple status indicator that displays a needle that moves within a range of numbers displayed on its outside edges.
  • Graph Matrix: A group of area graphs that display actual values and line graphs that display forecasted values. It allows a user to quickly analyze various trends across several metric dimensions.
  • Heat Map: A combination of colored rectangles, each representing an attribute element, that allow you to quickly grasp the state and impact of a large number of variables at once.
  • Interactive Bubble Graph: A conventional bubble plot that allows you to visualize the trends of three different metrics for a set of attribute elements.
  • Microcharts widget :The Microcharts widget consists of compact representations of data that allow analysts to quickly visualize trends in data.

Mainly lot of the issues had been fixed & introduced easy way handle interactive dashboards. Previous versions we used create & configure using SDKs now it gives very powerful interactive dashboard.

And also went to the Microstrategy 9 Road Show in Atlanta , GA , mainly that has multiple data sources ROLAP & Cube together , Report Developer no need to worry about how it picks up which ever is efficient data source , similar to summarization on the FACT to get the right aggregation in the earlier versions.

Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have to explain.

How Technology is used in DC & now to Federal Government ?

D.C. Tech Chief Headed For White House Slot:

President Obama plans to announce today that Vivek Kundra, chief technology officer for the District, will be the federal chief information officer, according to two administration officials.

Who is Vivek Kundra ?

Vivek Kundra, 34, is expected to oversee how government agencies purchase and use information technology and will be in charge of all federal technology spending. He also will be responsible for making sure agencies' networks and systems work together and share information while maintaining security and privacy standards.
Source :|32777|

Interesting :
New Technology adoption to implement cloud computing rather than traditional application development: Check out presentation|32777|

by Innovating IT Staff Augmentation :,a,1301,q,640349.asp

Kundra will have budgetary authority to launch entirely new systems within government departments, or kill existing multimillion-dollar IT projects. His decisions could have a large impact on government contractors, such as SAIC and Booz Allen Hamilton, that have come to provide the bulk of IT services to agencies.

He also will be charged with using technology to lower the cost of government operations and making government data more accessible to citizens, two things he championed as the District's chief technology officer. In that role, he got attention for letting independent developers create online applications using government information, for example, posting training videos on YouTube and creating an internal "wiki" site called DCpedia, for employees.

Looks like lot of new technology implementations to the government Sector.

Let we also suggest some new Innovative IT Solutions & stream line US Government Process to be effective and cost effective.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

check out in CNN ireport - eServiceplace

check out in CNN ireport - eServiceplace

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How Can eService Place Help the Economy?

How Can eService Place Help the Economy?

Economic recession proof environment answer is right by your door! How about having an environment where you can make money by utilizing your skills and expertise, and get you out of the gloom feeling of current economic pinch?

Yes, eServiceplace is an environment (market place) that can be utilized by people of all background with skills to make money, and service requesters to save money. People with skills can offer their skills as service providers. We see a lot of people out there who need some sort of service such as tax preparation, carpentry, plumbing, and other service needs; 4500 Service Categories are grouped in eServicePlace. We have individuals who can offer their skills and are able to provide service work with high quality, but at an affordable cost.

So, what does it all mean to the service provider and the service requester? The service provider can earn money and does not have to wait for an employer to hire. The service requester can get the same work done with all the high quality at an affordable cost, saving money. In the end it is a win-win situation to everyone contributing to the economy. Hope you take advantage of this opportunity! It is there to help you come out of the gloomy economy. Check out!



Monday, March 2, 2009

Total Population

Multilevel pyramid schemes actually work–for the people at the top. But really it is not.
Check out how quick it can reach to max out.

Probably this diagram would be helpful for the business people to calculate the potential in terms of
reaching out to public or people.

US Population : 362,797,056
World population : 13,060,694,016

Think about if I / we come up with something sell able to US Population alone with $1 profit. It is worth of about 362 Million if $1 as the profit. But reaching out to every one is the most tough issue.

Video Evan Williams , CEO of twitter

Video: Evan Williams explains Twitter on Charlie Rose (or tries to)

It is very interesting,
Evan Williams

Co-founder of and sold to Google ,
now found twitter.
Hope some one look at to see the potential & provide help on venture

Dr.Abdul Kalam's Vision

ndia’s former President APJ Abdul Kalam unveiled a seven-point Vision 2030 plan for the Anna University on the occasion of the Madras institute of technology’s 30th anniversary celebrations.

Read further :

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Social Media - What & Why & How could we use it for business

Social Media - What & Why & How can use it for business

What is Social Media ?
Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups to develop friendships and business relationships.

Why ?
To establish a community of "group of people" or "group of corporations"

How could we use it for Business ?

  • Have Blog first
  • Have linkedIn profile
  • Have Facebook profile
  • Have myspace profile
  • Have twitter profile
  1. Update your social network details of above profiles into company website.
  2. Identify & group all of the targeted user /customer or who really need your offerings.
  3. Try to promote where they gather by providing their need & then build up trust.
  4. While doing so , recommend your service offerings , usually they look at your one of the profiles to know more about you or your service offerings. Sure they would make use of it , if they like your service offerings.
  5. Continue to proceed & keep updated with latest trends.

See how radian6 is used as a case study:

1. -- Radian created this profile in twitter
2. Updated to their web site ,

See how we are in the process of promoting

1. Create eServicePlace blog
2. Create eServicePlace twitter account
3. Create linkedIn account
4. Create facebook
5. Create myspace
6. Update web site with details
7. Update "share with" in the &

Building a Better Web Site

The Perfect Host
All Web hosts are not created equal.'s technology columnist Anne Stuart describes how to evaluate Web hosts and to choose the one that's best for your business.
Checklist: Monitor Your Web Site's Performance
Discover what aspects of Web site performance are critical to your e-commerce success.
Make Sure Your Web Site's Working for You
Internet logjams losing you sales? Speed up your site with these smart strategies.
Weed Out Your Weak Links
Everyone likes to link to other sites because, well, that's what you do on the Web. But having too many links -- or outdated links that don't work -- will distract and dismay your visitors.
Site Maintenance Utilities
Here's an overview of various HTML checkers, which can help ensure that your Web-site visitors have an error-free experience on your site.

Content Is King

Writing Well on the Web
Hardly anybody really likes reading online. No surprise there, since so many websites are so poorly written. Here are easy ways to make your Web words more reader-friendly.
Traffic Magnets
With imagination and a clear sense of their customers, Earth Treks and Merriman Capital Management keep their Web visitors coming back for more.
Blogging for Business
Blogging has been popular with teens, geeks, and flamboyant extroverts for years, but today, it's garnering more attention from businesses as a way to connect with customers and prospects.
When Blogs Go Bad
Blogs can be a great marketing tool. But when they bite back, it's all about damage control.
Blog Rules
The blogosphere is a world unto itself, with its own set of rules and regulations. Newcomers break them at their own peril. Here's what you need to know before jumping into the fray.
The Top 10 Things You Should Know Before You Blog
Three business blogging experts share their best tips for getting started in the blogosphere.
Don't Focus on the Razzle-Dazzle
Flashy graphics and shock-wave downloads do not a successful site make. Content is what really brings back customers.
Create Your Own Web Content
To take the last article a bit further, good content brings back customers. Second-rate editorial and graphics will send them away faster than an e-mail chain letter. Here's how can make your site full of the former.
Proofread Your Content
There are a distressing number of typo-ridden, grammatically incorrect Web sites out there. Stand out by showing your potential customers that you pay attention to detail.

Know What Your Users Want, and Give It to Them

The Survey Says...
Want to know what consumers think? Put down the comment cards and poll them online instead.
The Skinny on Survey Software
With more than 100 online polling software packages to choose from, picking the right one can be tricky. Here, three options to suit various needs.
May I Help You
New live-chat software helps Web merchants convert browsers into buyers.
Live Aid
There are scores of live-chat vendors, and finding the right one can be tricky. Here are three options to suit your various needs.
Capture, Capture, Capture
How to make every visit to your website a marketing goldmine.
Pumping Your Visitors for Information
Improving your site means getting inside the heads of your users. Here's how you can do it without seeming like a telemarketer calling at dinnertime.
Come In. I've Been Expecting You
If you don't treat visitors like they are the only person in cyberspace, don't expect them to stick around. And personalization doesn't need to be expensive.

Building Your Brand in Cyberspace

Building Brands on the Web: An Old Game with New Rules
E-commerce may be changing the rules of business, but most of the traditional laws of marketing still apply. Here's how to plan for the long-term success of your site.

Source :

Digg Architecture

Check out this architecture of

Request from web browser --> Web Server through load Balancers --> App Servers -->
DB --> File Servers if there are any file references or images or videos.