Saturday, September 8, 2012

12th results of 2012 dashboard

Friday, August 31, 2012

Workplace Bullying – Stop it from Crushing Morale - Webinar

Workplace Bullying – Stop it from Crushing Morale

Workplace bullying has a severely negative impact on your workforce...and your revenues. Intimidation and harassment cost firms in several ways, including weakened morale, lost productivity, lawsuits and the financial stresses that are sure to follow.


  • Eliminate Risk - Stop Workplace Bullying Before it Starts:
    • Spotting signs that your workplace is toxic, and could actually be promoting bullying
    • Learn to spot the signs of bullying when they aren't reported
    • Learn to implement simple employee training programs that prevent problems later
  • Solving a Current Bullying Problem:
    • Develop programs to work with "minor" offenders
    • Bullies cost money!Learn when to "cut bait" -when and how bullies need to be let go
    • Managing the victims of bullying - keeping them happy, productive and safe
  • Setting Bullet-proof HR Policies that Protect your Company:
    • Learn to set policies that will insulate your firm from risk
    • The top methods to address formal complaints
    • Cover yourself - the importance of documentation
  • Question and Answer Session - Have your specific issues addressed by a seasoned expert!